Friday, July 13, 2007

Finally... A Nightmare Came True...

That's me with Ms. Mirinda @ Starbucks, she's looking like Janet Jackson and I'm looking like Marc Mcgrath of Sugar Ray. I've cut my hair that I've been keeping for almost 3 years. A few weeks short of 3 very long years.

Well, the real reason is because... I'm not telling.

Well anyway, the not so real reason is the work place received a circular about workers not being allowed to keep their hair long.

After I did the jump... I remembered waking up sweating and breathing heavily from a dream I had a few weeks back. Macy Gray was snipping away at my hair while commenting on my bad taste in color and style with her raspy voice. Well Macy Gray got her wish.

WTF. Should've said no to work and kept my hair. I'm gonna regret this more than 7 working days.

I could be in Sarawak or somewhere, enjoying myself, meeting new friends, job-hunting, just have a fresh start and forget about Langkawi, with my hair tied up, of course. Maybe staying here is making me soft.

There's a theory I read somewhere, birds that can fly, when they reach an isolated island will lost their ability to fly after some time. Living in isolation, absence of predator- there's no need to flee.

Maybe it's time to regrow my wings and fly away.


shandye. said...
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