Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I Spoke too Soon...

Ok... Imagine this...

To make it easier for you to imagine, if you're a girl, your lover would be a guy, vice versa if you're a guy, but hey it's a modern world, and I am gay & lesbian friendly guy (but if you can avoid from doing something "bad" in the eye of the society, dont do it!) so go ahead and pick anyone gender that you like... Whatever floats your boat honey! "He/she" thingy is just to make it easier for you to imagine. To visualise what i'm feeling at the moment.

You just finished work and your lover texted you saying that he/she wanted to stop by your place to do laundry. Wouldn't you be happy?

After doing laundry, you chatted, his/her head on your shoulder, your hands playing with his/her hair, then he/she said he/she had to go to meet his/her boss. You dont want him/her to go but you have to right? Because he/she's going to meet his/her boss.

Then let's just say after approx. 1 hour suddenly you have a bad feeling and then he/she texted you saying that he/she is already at his/her house, not feeling well, maybe headache, maybe tummyache, will you go out in the middle of the night to see him/her? Of course you'll definetely stop by the store to pick up something (definetely not condoms) right?

So you arrived there and you still getting bad vibes, will you get out of the car and proceed to his/her door or just start the car go back home?

Then when you reached his/her door and he/she tells you that he/she can't open the door because his/her friends are with him/her, inside the house, he/she dont want them to see you there and that he/she can't open the door, will you be suspicious?

Then when you texted and call this person, he/she didn't pick up the phone, didn't reply your sms while you're standing infront of his/her door, wouldn't you be more suspicious?

Let's just say, you stood there for 10 minutes, while still trying to call him/her and your phones' battery about to die on you... Wouldn't you try and hear what's happening inside his/her house?

Will you check the carpark for his/her car?

What will you do if his/her parking space is empty? Will you stay? Or go home right away?

And what if suddenly your phone rang and it was him/her, accidentally dialled your number. You can hear loud loud music playing, obviously him/her not at home, but having fun else where, how'd you feel? I know you should be happy, your lover is having a great time.... But remember the sms (tummyache, about to go to bed, friends at home, the lies)?

What if you kept on trying to call but he/she is not picking up, while you wait inside your car and and six hours later (give or take a few minutes) he/she arrived with his/her friends... Will you text him/her saying "I'm still infront of your house", then call him/her after your text message got no reply? Remember that this is the person who you really love... And you just posted about being so in love and how you belong to him/her in your previous post... How would you feel?

Am I entitled to be pissed? Yes, I am.

The problem is (just to qoute a friend I haven't seen in a very long time)... I'm still in love with this person.

Just to humour myself...

I'll post this pix I've been working on last night before I went down and got in my car, before the six hours wait, before I realised, I've been lied to... The pix's fake, so is everything else.

Me and Ms. Caprina looking Caprilicious.... He's a doll rite? Hahahaha... I am sooo soooo sooo soooo baaaaadddd.....

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