Thursday, March 13, 2008

Been Busy... So Many Things to Say... No Time to Write...

The 12th General Election was a nightmare during office hours...

8 March 2008 (Morning)

I woke up feeling refreshed at 8, left to work at 11, worked from 12pm-3pm.

Was sabotaged big time when during my working time the computer and printer was not working. Damn! Then went back but didn't sleep as I kena kerija lagi at 3 in the morning...

9 March 2008 (12.01 Midnight)

I listened to Ms. Lynn and Ms. Leos' session... They were cool. So I kena buat something hotter than what they did la...

I arrived at the office.. Lepaking and showing off Mr. Lembu (my bantal bucuk at the office...)

The show ended. It was hot... Had a great time with Mr. PKZ. Then we had breakfast with Ms. B(oss). it was sunday so it was supposed to be my off day. When I reached home, it was almost 8 in the morning (that's 24hrs without sleep for me)...

08.00 am
Because of it was a sunday and I was not supposed to work, I layan my DVDs la...

Was about to tarik selimut when the phone rang and Mr. Sugu called asking me to ganti someone at 3pm... Siao!

In my heart I was singing... La la la la.. Hari-hari kerja la...

Reached home, parked my car then the phone rang... Ms CT Hanim and Ms. Ina Gomok ajak makan pizza... Since they ajak, they belanja... Pix...

Ms. Ina having breakfast for dinner... That's a Jumbo Sausage at Pizza Ria... It's big, thick and juicy (for a sausage). I always ordered this for breakfast. It's nice... But some how when she ordered that... It looked kinda sorta sexually-suggestive... Muahaha...


11 march 2008.


Had a guest at home... Watched DVD together, but cannot pay attention much to the guest nor the DVD, akit gigi siot! Last resort... Halau the guest and locked myself dalam toilet (I dont know why i locked myself in the toilet... I'm living alone... No point to lock the toilet... Duh~).

Smoke like mad, cannot tahan liao...

Someone said, toothache is even more painful than giving birth... i tak tau... Tak pernah give birth, no plans to do it... Physically not possible to do it... Muahaha... tapi I tau sakit gigi sakit hamat! Then.... Tada!

The cause of my pain these past few years... It would've set me back RM240 just to have some chick with a kinky chair to poke me with some needle, slice a bit of my gum and pluck it out...

I was in pain at that time, so the dentist would've said- No cannot cabut the gigi when sakit...

Fook it! I mean, why should I pull out my tooth when I'm not in pain??? I swallowed 2 pain-killer pills and some of "my secret recipe" and grabbed a pair of rusty pliers and pull it out ala2 the scene in Wild Thing.

I'm dumb-founded how something so small can cause so much pain...
Earlier today I met with an old friend... Not quite... But anyway... We chatted kat parking bawah rumah I.
He made me think about two things...
He said, it is cheaper on the long run to pay for sex rather than to maintain a spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend... Is that true?
I think, it doesn't matter what I think... Duh~
He also said, one will not be a homosexual when one have sex with a person from the same sex if there's money involved... Is that true?
Gasps, chokes, clears throat... I can't help myself but but to think-Is that an invitation?
I dono... But I remember a song by Meja... It's all about the money... It's all about the dum dum da di dum dum...
I'm going to bed... Night night world...
P/S: I didn't get the old restaurant on top of Gunung Raya (yet!). Some rich dude rented the whole area from LADA. But it's OK. Somehow something inside of my perfectly shaped head keeps on saying "It's just a delay... Not a denial... Be patient..." over and over again.
Remember what happened between My Baby and I? It's a case of "If you wish for something often enough, that thing will happen (so becareful what you wish for!!!)"
I'll be going out of this island very very soon... My court case's on the 18th, Larson's getting married (sighs) on the 15th. Most probably I'll be sending my car on the 15th, going back on the 16th. Duit lagi... Adusss...
In case some of the readers (I know there are quite a few text voyeours out there reading this) might have noticed... My posting is not as a personal as it used to be... Good... Because starting from now on... What happened behind closed door will remain behind closed door (even if the tingkap is open at that time...)
Muahaha... what to do? I lead and interesting life or so I like to think....

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